Through the narrow viewfinder

Thursday, May 31, 2007


Halliburton is one of the biggest service companies in the world. Service companies doesnt drill for oil, instead, they provide services to aid recovery. They provide the pipings that pump hydrocarbons from geologic formations.
We were brought around the lab where the cement concoction used in well bores was prepared.
The manager was really kind. He offered to pay for lunch. We dined at Champ's BBQ
I was attracted to the all-in-1 platter. it included: a platter with a serving of ribs, slices and shreds of meat.
There were also 2 side dishes of buns, coleslaw and potato salad. Needless to say, no one, including the manager, believed i could finish it.
Oh but i showed them alright.

Aera Energy

We started the next day at 5.30am in the morning. Thankfully, Aera Energy was so kind as to provide us with delicious breakfast burritos.
We went through a 45 minute safety briefing before starting the tour of Aera's operations
After that, we were off to the Bellridge field. Contracted under Aera Energy, this is one of the largest oil fields in Southern California, making up for a huge percentage of the state's export. We get to see how wells are completed today.
The fracturing of the wells are done by BJ operators. We were shown the cool properties of the fluids holding the frac sands.
After a long day's work, the company gets their reward: Sweet, sweet crude!
At around midday, we headed back to Aera's Headquarters in Bakersfield for lunch.
The food was great.

California Field Trip

The California and Rocky Mountain group were treated to a hearty lunch midday of the 14th. After a safety briefing, the California group were off to the airport. First stop, was Pacific Operators, nestled off the coasts of Ventura.
We were given a 2 hour briefing on the company's operations and history. After that, subway sandwiches were up for lunch.
We were shipped to platform Houchin, roughly 3 miles off the coast.
Even the seals were delighted to have us as company.
Platform Houchin is a sight to behold.
At the end of the day, we thanked Pacific Operators for the interesting tour.
I had to have a picture with the Chief Operations Officer. He looked like Bricktop from Snatch.