Through the narrow viewfinder

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

the one thing i cant live without

with this precious gem, i can afford to leave my house 10mins before class starts ( it used to be half n hour, initial experimenting with the times caused me to be late a few times) i got this from ted raines, the nice guy who repairs bikes and let international students have them for free ( ok ok, i admit i called him almost everyday of the week till he got irritated with me) with this, a whole new world of possibilites just opened up. i can ride to places with the aid of google map ( yay!) i even got extra spalding cushion padding from the school garage sale and a lock from walmart. everything seems perfect, and all i have to worry now is the lung busting rides back from school everyday. there is a 25degree slope which increases to 30 degrees on the final stretch. no problems, its a good start for a cross-country runner wannabe


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