Through the narrow viewfinder

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

the magical touch : oyster sauce

after yesterday's oh jian lesson, i made sure to use just a little corn starch. less is indeed more. initially i wanted to try out mum's tomato califlower wid pork. but i din have any. so i tore off pieces of chicken breast meat and fried them together wid garlic. then i added the califlower. i mixed a little corn starch with water and poured it into the pan. after that i added the carrot. i was about the squeeze the tomato ketchup bottle when i thought abt oyster sauce. a few globs later, i had the best vege dish since leaving kuching.

while preparing for the first dish, i left the remaining top quarter of bird carcass to boil. the chunk of califlower had green leaves growing beside it and i added that to the soup. i broke an egg and poured the contents inside before adding a little salt. the leaves had a weird texture. guess it wasnt meant to be eaten. the chicken tasted solid though.

to top up the wonderful dinner, i decided to give myself a serving of pancakes for a job well done. bad idea. now i feel bloated. till the neck like dad always says. oh well, an increasing waistline wont hurt too much.


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